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Worthy Brief - 5/25/2016

Friend, do you have true religion?

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws (Dat in Hebrew): and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

ancient hebrew religionWe continue looking at the ancient Hebrew alphabet: the modern word for "religion" is the word – "dat" – spelled in Hebrew, "dalet"- "tav". The ancient Hebrew letter "dalet" pictures a door. And as we have previously shown, the "tav" is a covenant sign which is pictured as a simple cross. So the word "religion" in ancient Hebrew, could also be expressed as "the door of the covenant sign (a cross)”.

There are many religions around the world today – but only one is a "doorway to a cross". That is the true faith of the One true God, YHVH, revealed in the Hebrew scriptures and especially in the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant). Apart from this pathway and this cross, all religion is simply man’s own vain attempt to strive for righteousness, spirituality and relationship with God. It is interesting that, using the ancient Hebrew letters, it's impossible to write the word "religion" without this "covenant sign" and the "door" leading to it.

When the antichrist arrives on the scene, he will wear out the saints of the most High and change times, (perhaps establishing a new "era"), and "laws", "dat" or "religion", i.e. the path to Truth or to God. The enemy, Satan, who inspires this end-time figure, has worked hard to persuade humanity that there have been many "doors" to God or Truth. In fact, they all led to his darkness, deception and ultimate condemnation. But in the end, Satan's Antichrist will actually claim that he is the one true door and pathway to God. This will be the ultimate blasphemy and the last deception. For Yeshua (Jesus) said, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved"; [John 10:9]. This "Door" to salvation, the Lord Jesus, is still OPEN to everyone.

Friend, if you have entered the true "Door", that is, Yeshua, then you may be worn out, but you cannot be deceived or condemned. He is the one "Door" to salvation. And the ancient Hebrew alphabet, only one of many testimonies, points to this simple truth: that the one authentic "religion" is the "door to the cross", where there is forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah
Negev Desert, Israel

Editor's Note: Watch George's message: Which voice will you listen to in the last days?

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